Hi, I thought this topic would have been discussed already but didn't find anything in the search. So, here goes. I have a soft modded Xbox 1.6 US NTSC with UnleashX as primary dash and the latest build of XBMC as an app. I am unable to play PAL games on it. I tried a few things. When I insert the game while UnleashX is running, the loading screen comes and stays...nothing happens. I tried running the same game, now with XBMC running and it just shows a blank screen. I also tried changing my region settings in XBMC to UK but to no avail. But I did notice that there is a gamesave for that game on my harddrive. But not much info on it. So, how can I run PAL games on my XB? Oh, by the way, I do play PS2 PAL games as I have an XGA box. So, its not a problem with my display. Thanks in advance.
Hi, download ENIGMA video mode switch disk, ftp it to your Xbox, or run it from cd, change region to PAL, reboot. Reagards Cold|Fusion
What *I* do: Set XBMC as the primary dash (I loves it), insert game (Unless it is on Hard Drive) then select game in my programs, hit white button, select 'play in' and select NTSC-M. This will also work if your XBMC is just an app, just make sure to disable the autorun in settings of xbmc first, or it will keep launching the game in pal frames. This method shouldn't force you to download anything, hope that helps!
I tried Enigma and it worked very well. thanks to 0900's instructions, I wouldn't have known to reboot. Enigma doesn't have many instructions. Handsom, I do have XBMC as a dash. I will give your method a try. For the benefit of people who might be looking for the same stuff, I got Enigma from xbins. While I was there, I also picked up some cool stuff. That place is just amazing.
I keep hearing about them, I'll have to give it a look. Maybe they'll have some new utilities for me.