Hey guys this is my first shot at burning a cd. I have a avi w/ac3 audio, its is a 25 fps DVD. When I encrpt using TMPGenc as a Pal it comes out perfect but won't play on my home DVD players b/c of area restrictions. I then tried to encrpyt using Avi2Dvd and had it handle the PAl to NTSC conversion. I then get a copy I can play on my DVD players but the audio is out of sync. I looked around at some other guides and they said that seperating audio from video might help. So now I'm left with a .mpv and a .ac3 So I try to use TMPGEnc Multiplex tool to join these 2 files together and I'm still getting out of sync audio. If anyone has any suggestions on how to make this work they'd be much appreciated...
VSO,CONVERTXTODVD just use that m8 supports all just go into settings and choose what region you want m8 best programme i use easy to use aswell.