i have a video file that is mpeg and i want to play it in my dvd player, i need to change the format, so i was wondering if there is any thing i can do to change it from pal to ntsc.
use nero vision express choose NTSC for video option. To do this start Nero Vision Express and choose to make a DVD-Video Now when you get to the next window where you can (capture video)(add a video file) etc etc go to the bottom of that winodw and click on (MORE) Once you click on that botton the options will apear. Choose the (VIDEO OPTIONS) botton. Now choose NTSC in the pull down menu in the video options. Then click the OK botton. Now add your video files into nero that you want to convert from PAL to NTSC. Then click the next botton and follow the directions it gives.
is there any program i can use that is free, i do not have nero and i did not want to spend any money on it.
You can use ConvertXtoDVD it has a trial period, but it will leave a watermark on the backup. http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/ Also Nero does let you have a functional demo of the program, good for 30 days. http://www.nero.com
There is a freeware version of DivxToDVD (older) available. http://www.free-codecs.com/DivXToDVD_download.htm