I wonder if anyone could possibly help me. I've got a DMR-E85H and I've been trying to play a DVD but it seems to have crashed and wont respond now. What happens it that when I turn it on it starts going though self check does that for about five seconds and then switches itself onto standby. After five sesonds of that it switches itself back on, goes through self check again for another five seconds and switches itself back off. Repeat ad nauseum. None of the buttons on the unit itself or the remote will respond in any way and I can't get the DVD to eject. Tried the stop button and channel up like the booklet said but no joy. The only thing it responds to is being completely turned off. Even when the power is put back on it just keeps going through the self check on/off cycle. Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this bloody thing?
Finally managed to get the thing to eject the disc by holding down power long enough to put it to sleep and then just using the eject button. Tried another couple of DVDs and they've both gone the same route as the original - tested them in another machine and they played absolutely fine. Looks as though it's something wrong with the machine itself, thankfully it's still under warranty so I'll be taking it back to the shop.
LOL, maybe the plyer or recorder (I don't know what it is) is dirty, probably if you use a DVD cleaner that would start working, but in my opinion the best is use the warranty. LOL