I've had this machine from new and it's been fine until now. The dubbing to DVD now fails part-way through, either when recording directly to DVD or when recording from the hard drive. I've tried re-formatting the hard drive (no difference), together with a variety of good-quality disks (all branded), but still can't get it to record onto DVD. This started with a "failed to finalize" error - recording was there, but unviewable - and got progressively worse. At the point of failure, the machine "Self Checks" (re-starts) around 10 times before it stabilises. Any ideas? TIA! Ray.
Look in your owner's manual, and find how to set it back to factory settings. This may help. You'll need to redo settings that you made, after resetting to factory default.
Update: The machine has been repaired and is now 100% again. The problem was in the regulator assembly, now replaced. Excuse delay in posting this result. Ray.
I'm also glad that the unit is working OK Now --BUT I have to ask. Quote "[The problem was in the regulator assembly, now replaced.}" Could that be the voltage reulator in the power supply It could have caused problems as mantioned, if intermitent in operation. Other than it I had never heard the term
Hi There, There may well be a simple thing I'm missing here but cant see what it is. Im recording from HD to -R disc but when complete and I try to play in few different machines I get nothing. Even if I try to explore through laptop DVD. Any help much appreciated.
You are finalizing the disc, aren't you? Switch to "DVD" then go to "Functions" then "Disc Management" then "Finalize." Sorry if you already have done this. Ray.