Help !! I am running XP, I installed Xcopy perfectly. When I start X copy, it does it's thing and when I get to the screen that I can select "BURN NOW" I get a pop up error message " Drive is not ready please insert a writable disk in the selected drive" I have tried two different brands of "generic" -R Disks, neither worked; same message. I contacted Panasonic @ 866-462-5138. And the best they could tell me was to buy name brand Media's. Is anyone else having this problem ? What was your resolve. a (otherwise known as Matsushita).
Use Nero to burn with. I have had major success with this although there would also be RecordNow & Prassi Prismo to try if not. XCopy is not so good IMHO
I have the same burner.... You need to wait until the lite turns from amber to green. It take awhile for the burner to recognize the disk. Just watch your lites and wait for the green!
I have the same problem when I use Nero and try to write using the UDF/ISO mode. If I use DVD Video Mode it reads the DVD.