pansat 6000hxs

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by heintz18, Oct 26, 2007.

  1. heintz18

    heintz18 Guest

    I am very new to this. I have been running a pansat 3500 and would like to start loading my own, I also wanted a dvr which the 6000 will do. My question is, how do I get started once I buy my 6000? how do I get it loaded for Dish network? keys ect.... Is there a guide somewhere?
    Thanks to all who respond!
  2. bill038

    bill038 Guest

    hxxp:// replace the xx's with tt

    This is kind of the official site of pansat. Right now the forms are down because of the heavy traffic with the new ecm going on. Believe me, these people know pansats and will be more than glad to help you. If you need any pansat upgrades they are available for download from their site, it's just their forms are down right now. Give it a couple of more days and they will be back.
  3. heintz18

    heintz18 Guest

    thanks for the update, I will check my post out again in a couple days.

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