Hey guys, i have been working at this for a while now, and i'm stumped. I was trying to partition an external hdd, but, i didn't know where to start, so i tried to fool around with the Computer Management tool b/c i remembering hearing you could partition it from there, is this true? If so, i would greatly appreciate it if someone could tell me p.s: i tried using PartitionMagic 8, but, the trial doesn't let you partition hdd's :/
If the drive shows up in Computer Management, right click the white bar next to the drive letter, and choose Create Partition.
Pardon me for my use of words And i also forgot to mention that i already partioned the drive, but, i wanted to create another partition on the same hdd. So, two partitions on the same hdd, could i create a second partition on that hdd with Computer Management? Any replies would be greatly appreciated!! -ATIROCKS
You should be able to create as many as u wanted as longs as the divisions are split up correctly. Just do what u did for the 1st partion. or u can create a partion on top of the partion u already have i think.
Thanks for the reply, really appreaciate it! But, how do you create the 2nd partition using Computer Management?
This is a guide i found it might help... http://theeldergeek.com/hard_drives.htm This is one guide from Microsoft http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=313348 I personally still use FDisk Good Luck...
from Administrative Tools go to coputer manager locate disk manement the first is a primery partion the rest of the partion secondary logical partions there only one primery per drive logical extecion is up to 32 in xp home 54 in xp pro so knock you self out a good space in my case to manege space no greater 47gb with xp especialy with fat-32 with ntfs no greater then 78gb the reason is do to xp way of organizing cluster virus ten to get lost in xp most anvirus will not find worms and most cap32 virus so when checking for viruses turn of as much as it is posiable for anvirus to do a deepscan, it takes my system 12 hours for 3 drives total 742gb also disconet your Pc from netwosk's and or inter connetion fisicly if you have an antyvirus that can scan in dos before booting in to xp better yet if posiable do both it prevent's from corution of mdr of the drive does 2mg to 8 mg that microsoft uses to track your software file are use as hole for viruses now days, goodlock
Uhhh..no offence bro, but, i really didn't get the gist of you were saying. But, i still, nonetheless, appreciate the fact that you took the time to help me out. Cheers! So..could you..sorta..kinda..be more clear? Cheers! -ATIROCKS