ok, I have a DS lite, which i got 3 days ago, and being the hombrew junkie I am, want to enable hombrew on it. I have an xrom 512 flash cart, which i got back in the old gba days, the old thing works great to this day, in fact, i am playing advanced wars on it now (legal backup of course). I did some research and want to get my facts straight. As far as I know, all I need now is a passme2 device, the flashme software on my flash cart and a DS game (i currently have Animal Crossing and New Super Mario Bros.) then, I can load up the passme, install the flashme via the flashcart, and run hombrew and legal backups to my heart's content (without the passme inserted), Am i correct about all of this? 1. Xrom 512 will work 2. Only needed addintional hardware is passme2 3. I will be able to load up homebrew, GBA backus, and DS backups via the Xrom 4. I like pie!
1. Not a clue. The only GBA era carts I know of that work with DS back-ups are the EFA line-up, which isn't worth using due to poor compatibility and such. 2. Perhaps. Depends on Xrom's ability to load the SRAM though. 3. Not a clue. Most homebrew is designed specifically for the M3 and Supercard, so compatibility with the Xrom isn't certain. 4. Me too!
man venom, my topic is posted for 2 mns and ur already on it! well, i think that the xrom will work http://www.dspassme.com/docs/html/pm_07_flashcarts.html according to the passme site, it should work, i just wanna double check =) EDIT: hmmmmmm, i was looking around a bit and it seems that a "nopass" device will do everything i want. anybody able to confirm this? EDIT 2: does every fw flasher require you to short ur DS, i'm scared of blowing it up =(. also, what is the flashed firmware do other than letting u run unsigned code, can u keep the default GUI, if so, how do u access ur hombrew?
Yeah, I wouldn't flash it I hear so many stories of it going wrong. It seems fairly easy and I am somewhat of a newb but I wouldn't risk it on a $130 thing.
I'd just take their word for it. They're a reputable site, so there's no reason to distrust them. Yes, a nopass device should work fine. To install FlashMe, you'll have to short the SL1. It's very easy on the DS, but on the DS Lite it requires a lot more caution. There's a few people that frequent this board that have successfully done it, and so far no one has bricked it. I guess as long as you're very careful, you have nothing to worry about. As long as it gets past 5%, you're safe. The advantages of FlashMe are that you don't need a physical PassMe solution, no health screen at boot, and the ability to receive back-ups during download play. The DS GUI remains the same. If you're using a nopass, the only advantage of FlashMe would be the download play and removal of the health screen.
hmmmmmm..... thats odd, i thought that with flashme you could use ur homebrew without having a pass device inserted... yay edit button! neway, with flashme, i can also keep my ds cart in without needint to carry around another one for running HB. also, what do u mean by download play, i havent a clue...
download play.. so if you only have one cart.. you can still play multiplayer. isn't the best multiplayer scenario but its a good way to try out games. if you want d/l play to work, your friend would use his non-flashed ds w/ a passcard and your flashcart, and you would be able to receive it since you have the alternate firmware. if you were trying to host it, your friend would not be able to receive it. basically if you've never used it before, you probably won't ever use it
now that u all know what i ned, what's the cheapest way to go? (im 13 and im broke) i think i'm gonna end up editing every post in this thread =) are there any DISADVANTAGES to flashme, other than the initial risk?
well yes, but other than that, i had my psp for a week before i decided to void my warranty! Also, will multiplayer still work for my games? ass long as the ONLY differences are the warranty, the health screen, and the no nopass needed thing, i'm cool.
If anything, multiplayer works better because of the added ability to play download play when the host is using a back-up.
perfect, i was just afraid that over internet play, your firmware was checked, and if you had a custom FW Ie. Flashme, you would be blocked from any play over nintendo's network.
Nintendo has no way of checking what firmware you have on your DS over WFC, and unless they do a Sony and force firmware updates (not likly) you will have nothing to worry about. If you don't mind the very small risk of bricking your DS then i'd say go for it, i've flashed several DS's and 3 DS lites and have never had any problems.
thanks a ton man, i've had my psp for a year now, and cuz the games suck, i've been all into hombrew, i'm glad to hear that nintendo aint a b*tch like sony LONG LIVE DEVHOOK!
so, to reitorate (again) all i need is a passme2 device, BUT, at the passme site, the two games i own (animal crossing and new super mario bros.) are not on the list, is that it, i can't go for the passme, i need to spend a little more $ for a nopass? EDIT: Typo =P
If the passme does not support your games(i havn't checked, just going by what you said) I would say get the passcard3, it is the same size as a DS game, and does not require any programming, or rely on another game to work.
is the passcard 3 the chepest alternative?, all I need it to do is install flashme, then i can throw it away (not that i would)
if you can't use a passme, a Passcard device is the only alternative, there are different types of passcard from different people, but they all do the same thing. And yes you can then use FlashMe, and throw the passcard into the back of your cupboard (or in my case the bottom of a building pile of electronic stuff on my desk)