
Discussion in 'All other topics' started by emachine, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. emachine

    emachine Guest

    What kind of paypal acount do you need to recive payment?
  2. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    depends on if you're gonna be selling a lot of stuff.
    If it's a few small payments, a free account will do.
  3. emachine

    emachine Guest

    Well like whats alot? I plan on selling wholesale stuff.
  4. sniper78

    sniper78 Regular member

    Apr 4, 2005
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    I would just go all out and sign up with a basic account which requires your checking account and you can also but in a back up credit card. Paypal accounts are free but you need the right stuff to just sign up. You can send, receive, or transfer money with a basic account. Paypal how they make their money is taking 3% of the money that goes into your account after each transaction. So if your buying or selling go with paypal secure, and it should be the only thing you use to buy or sell with.
  5. emachine

    emachine Guest

    Yeah I'll think I'll go with either bussiness or premier cause it takes less cash off when you recive.

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