I am interested in purchasing a DVD burner for my PC. I am pretty new to all of this and was wondering if any of you out there could direct me on whick drive I should get. I have looked around and there seams to be a million different ones to choose from. Not sure where to even start and what things to look for. Help me if you can!! Thanks a million. Darensvt
BenQ is the best bang for the buck. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827101011 I love mine.
I just been there mate. Tell me about it. Well, to start with you will find most of the models now support dual layer, whether you wanted it or not, so you can cross that off your wanted list. I decided that aswell as dual layer, I might aswell give lightscribe a go. I also decided I would like a drive that supported Booktyping for DVD+R disks. This led me to either the BENQ DW1655 or the Liteon SHW 16H5S (dont get the HP) Otherwise in general, Plextor, Pioneer , NEC make good relaible burners. You will find disk compatability and read/write speeds are much of a muchness in newer models. (unless you use a stopwatch regularly !!! LOL) Think about what you want of it and what role if any your existing drives will play in your modified system. EDIT: Forgot to say, Think about what software comes bundled. An OEM drive will come with nothing but the drive itself.
The OEM BenQ drives from NewEgg are being shipped with the OEM Nero Suite ... and you can upgrade to Nero Ultra Edition for FREE! And, 9mmruger1 knows what he's talking about ... the BenQ DW1650/1655 drives are the best 'bang for your buck' at the moment ...
To add, the nero suite is sweet. It retails for $79.00 from nero so basically when you buy the Benq and get nero you are getting a fantastic deal. Benq @ $39.00 shipped + Nero suite @ $79.00 = $118.00 value for $39.00. Hard to pass that one up.
I want to order one of these burners off NewEgg, but how do you get the upgrade to Nero Ultra Edition for FREE as posted above? Is there some sort of promo code or something? Also what is the difference between these, and what one is the best of them?.... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827101010 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827101642 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827101006 Thank you in advance!!
Hi, JDogg_646, the first & third choices are the ones to go. Basically the same drive. 1650 non LightScribe 1655 LightScribe. The Nero included with the oem BenQ, should be oem too. When you upgrade Nero it should only upgrade the parts of Nero that already exist. I have heard of some having success by uninstalling the oem Nero, then installing the full version using the oem serial #. BTW the 1625 is rather long in the tooth, had very little in the way of f/w updates. Unlikely to see any new f/w for this model.
So I am going to get the 1655. But I am not 100% sure how when I get the Nero Ultra Edition for FREE when buy this burner. Is it when I get the burner there is a serial number or something and then Nero will update the OEM version with the Ultra Edition? I am just not clear! So to be such a noob. Thanks again for the help!
The OEM version of Nero has a serial number but it is imbedded in the drive. In other words, the only way to install it is with the burner it came with. The way you update your version is to 1- Install the OEM version with the disc and burner that it came with. 2- Go to the following links and download. Voila, you'll be updated. nero version updates: Package 1 http://httpdl1.usw.nero.com/Nero- Package 2 http://httpdl1.usw.nero.com/NVE- Version is also available if you want it, but is a much more stable version ...
I'll have to consider that update to Nero myself then. Thanks. You get Nero OEM with the LITEON aswell you see.
Hi, @ anyone, Nero serial #. As already said is embedded in oem version. Simply install make a note of serial then uninstall. Download & run full version enter serial #. @ catfreak, There are newer versions to the links you post. In another thread I posted the updates. BenQ oem ftp://ftp.us.nero.com/oem/Benq/ NeroVisionExpress ftp://ftp.us.nero.com/NVE- Using my oem serial I'm able to run Nero 6 ftp://ftp.us.nero.com/Nero-
I wouldn't recommend package one of the newest though ... I have it on one of my computers and it's really buggy .. the version that I really like is but I DO have the newest package two version .. and yes, with a OEM S/N you can download the latest and ¿greatest? version of Nero Ultra http://ww2.nero.com/nero6/us/nero-up.php Recode2 and NeroVisionExpress3 are the programs that are worth the price of the writer
Hi, catfreak, it just goes to show how different setups must affect the end result. Just like with QSuite 2.1 has proved much better/stable, when compared to version 2.0 for me. The BenQ Nero which was released as a result of anomalies thrown when using Nero with SB enabled. Hence supposedly more stable than Furthermore I've found the best yet(not saying there isn't anything wrong here). I actually use Nero 7 myself now. Although in some respects this feels like a step backwards.
My main problem with is that Shrink no longer recognizes it .. and the very occasional 'crash' ... But really the only part of package one that I use is the burning engine ... Recode and NVE are part of package two and I use the newest version of that ... Now packages 3, 4 and 5 ... uggghhh .. useless in my opinion ... InCD is evil! As far as QSuite .. yes, without a doubt 2.1 is better .. however on my DW1640 I only use f/w BSNB
Hi, Well I'm surprised about being "not recommended" by a BenQ rep.Especially as it's a BenQ oem.But that's life, each to their own. It has in the past been pointed in the direction of users in europe. Regarding 1640 f/w, BSNB this too is something of a surprise. As it's known to be flawed(minor however), hence at the time the somewhat rapidly released BSOB. But if it works for you.