My PC freezes after about an half hour when converting any kind of movie to dvd or vcd or any other format. I tried every solution on this forum but nothing works. PC configuration AMD Athlon 2000+ PSU 400 Watt 256 MB DDR Gforce 3 Ti 200 128 MB Windows XP Already created some virtual memory but didnĀ“t work either HELP ME PLEASE really triep every solution on this forum.
I have had the same problem, but it Tmpeg seems to lock up, if I have an error (mine was my scanner). If you have a screen saver...remove it. basically, my suggestion is to take away any change for encoding interuptions.
Screensaver off background programs off everything off that could interrupted. convert still freezes CPU is around 60 degreees but that can't be the problem either by the way mainboard is MSI KT3 ULTRA-RAID
Well, I think that MSI board is a AMd board. I hate to let you know that 60 C is very hot. I used tmpeg last night before I went to bed. Everything was running fine. When I awoke, it stopped 67% the way through because of my screen saver. I am sorry that I dont have a better suggestion for you. Hopefully, some else can give you something better