Hey anthony72, To burn pc games i would suggest you have Anydvd and Nero thats all that is really needed.
Hi there, Just released [bold]VSO Blindwrite v6.0[/bold] was updated to be able to copy the security protection (SafeDisk, SecureROM etc.. all new versions) to be able to copy your games, and has a new driver EZPlay to let you play your backup games.
The first disc went fine but when I tried the second one it kept coming up with errors and would not burn.
@cougar_ii, Does this new release act in the same way as AnyDVD, that is, overcoming copy proyection?
Hi there, Well I am not a gamer nor know alot about game protection. But all I know is that Blindwrite will know how to copy the SecureROM and SafeDisk information. From what I can understand, it cannot make a 1:1 original, it just knows how to backup the info. This is why you need the EZPlay driver installed, so it will emulate some protection scheme so the backup copy will play. I assume just like the emulators in Daemon Tools. Mount an image, and the image can play because of the emulator !
Using an emulator IS NOT a true 1:1 backup. Anydvd strips out the Macrovision in dvd movies so it can be copied...so in other words Anydvd is useless when it comes to making PC backups. PC games need the copy protection writen back to the backup to play. I have not tested the new Blindwrite suit to test. Many other software has claimed the same thing and has failed with defeating these newer protections and have failed, but I guess we will see.
note i am not a gamer, i finished building a computer for my grand children to day.. i was thinking about all the jelly and peanut butter cd's i had to throw away..as below.... i backed up there games around 25 using clonecd to rip and burn to a cd and installed the back-ups for them ...on there computer,and they all worked.. i do not know what protection that were on there game cd's i do not know if clonecd can do all games..
I downloaded blindwrite. I burned a game and both discs worked ok. I reinstalled the game and the installation went perfect. It will not let me play the game. It keeps saying I need to insert the correct cd-rom. No matter which disk I put in I get the same error.
Not done this game, but as stated, many games will copy, and then refuse to play due to the copy protection. That's why daemon uses an image tool "emulator". You copy the discs to image files, you mount those images in a virtual drive, and the game will then work. Using those same images to just burn a new disc will most likely not work. I love this personally. I can put 3-4 CD games (as images) onto one DVD and run them from there no problem. Making additional copies is as simple as burning another data disc with the images I want on it.
Hi there, Did you install the game on a PC with EZPlay installed (Blindwrite 6 installed) ??? Without EZPlay, I think does backups won't run. Just like someone earlier mentioned Daemon Tools uses an emulator, well you need EZPlay loaded to play those BW6 backups !
I have the program installed and ez-play is installed and enabled. I went to tech support and they said to shut down any dvd that it could effect the play back. So I shut it down but the game still will not play. Any Help?