Hi: Just got an account with you all for the great info i found on bunches of troubleshooting on my pc and gaming but can't decide what to do here. I've read all the forums i've found on the topic and havent came across any that address this situation. I recently had Empires: Dawn of the Modern World and sold it to my friend in college. Well, i had to format my computer and start all over. I wanted the game again so after looking, downloaded it from a site and it gave me two .iso files labeled for the first cd and the second with the cd key. Thought all was well, loaded up daemon tools and started mounting the image, installed the first cd with the cd key and then asked for the second so i unmounted the first and loaded the second, then through the rigamarole got back to the first cd again and to play the game. Well, when i start to play it, it says it can't locate the cd-rom and that i should insert the original cd-rom, restart and press ok and it keeps coming up that. I used all the emulations loaded up on "ON" before i began and even tried the hide guard from some program company to hide the error but nothing works. I even burned the .iso images to two cd-r's and tried it that way but nothing. Please help!! But if nothing fails, Amazon.com has it for $6 lol.
yea thats wierd, never figured it out, I make my own iso's it will run while mounted, but download someone elses and you need a no cd crack dont know if its against the rules, but search *game* .exe crack then replace it with the one in your directory