I jsut built my first system. Using asusp4p800se, prescott 3.0eghz, 1mb kingston 3200 dual channel ddr,atx tower with lcd temp control 4 fans and ac ctic silver 5. got a cheap power suppl with case that blew in five minutes! So I am looking for a good power supply and any other good oc'ing and cooling suggestions for this system. Thanks
Hi, If you want the best then I suggest looking here: http://www.pcpowerandcooling.com/ Other good makes would be Antec, Enermax or Fortron. You're damn lucky that PSU didn't take anything else with it.
Realistically watercooling is... a bit overhyped. it's very kewl no doubt and it is more effective than force air cooling but if you want to go exotic, you might consider vapor units. Up to that point, a solid forced air setup is more than enough Another PSU company to consider is Thermaltake and the ION line from Vantec (stay away from their Stealth line)