hi whenever i put a cd or a dvd in the drive the computer automatically shuts off.what can i do to fix this problem?
I got almost the same problem but mine did not turn off but restarted time to time when i used the dvd burner.It was in fact the dvd burner which caused my pc to restart by itself because once i removed it and replaced it by another drive,the problem was fixed.In fact my burner at that time was a bit damaged because a "friend" of mine tried to install two new sticks of memory on my pc but did not ground himself to discharge the static on him,so as a result the board got damaged completely and the two sticks of ram as well,i thought that the damage list would stop here but i was wrong,once i got a new board installed,i found out that everytime i used the dvd burner(the same which was on my pc at the time the damage happened),my pc would restart. But the funniest thing is that i gave that damaged drive to another friend who was looking for a cheap drive(gave it to him freely)and strange as it may sound,he's using it without any problem on his pc,maybe he's very lucky and the drive got kind of healed!But for me,since i've removed that drive on my pc and replaced it by another drive(using the same location and cable),my pc no more restarts by itself. I'm just telling you about my case which looks a bit similar to yours but now in your case i can't tell you exactly if it's your drive which is dying,maybe it can be another thing.For how long you've been using your drive? Maybe some other more experienced members will be able to help you more about that. Vincent.
Sup, yeah you might need a new power supply. My PC restarted after I start playing a game or start using any cd or dvd drive, your PC needs the extra juice to stay put I tried looking for cheap power supplies that run good. (might help but here's one) http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1952066&CatId=0 Some others that are cheaper but a power supply running your pc at 115 volts is not giving enough, this will do and there not as expensive as you think. ----------------------------------- Jumpers ----------------------------------- Here's another thing you might wanna check while your opening your pc check the jumpers (It's a White little piece behind the CD/DVD drive properly set to determine the drive's setting, for example the drive on top is set to master and the drive below is set to slave, you can find the words near the jumper.) It should be set the way described above with master on top and slave below. ----------------------------------- Hope I helped out and make sure you give more info on the spec's of your PC next time it makes it easier for us. If anything I'll answer back.
LG hmmm?Mine was the LG 4163B.What a coincidence that it's the same brand of drive giving us headache.But i can't complain too much about that drive because it has serve me very well with so many burns on it.Have you changed anything inside your pc recently?Normally the power supply that comes together with the casing is junk and needs to be replaced by a much better one with better watts.When you give description about your power supply the indicated watts is more to be considered than the volts because the volts is gonna be same for any other electrical devices in your respective country.But watts,if it's too low then it could be the problem,normally when you choose a decent power supply you choose one with a higher watt(not too high also if you're not a gamer),mine for example is 450 watts.The more hardwares and fans running on your pc,the more watts would be better. Vincent.
well it worked perfect before i reformatted my pc.anyways i dont have many hard drives or anything but i am a gamer i just dont have the cash.oh and the computer crashes wen its a burned cd or dvd.hope that helps you n me here.
hmm check the capacitors on the motherboard to see if there is a leak i doubt it though but its worth a try checking, the capacitors look like batteries and you'll see if there's a leak if there's liquid coming out of it on top or below.
the problem with your pc might be something we can't help you with unless we take a look at it, power issues could be anything. As a matter of fact your pc might not have a hardware problem at all and its reacting this way becuase of a software issue with a messed up registry. I recommend you get a tech to check it out, we can help out online but our support wont be better without someone there assisting you.
no problem man, sorry we cant help you. Like I said it might be the power supply but only you can tell whats wrong with your pc by testing it and messing around with it, when you find out something new post back and I'll be glad to help.