Hello guys. I have a problem with my computer. I reinstalled XP Pro yesterday morning and this morning the power went out for just a second and now the computer won't startup fully. It gets to the stage where it says the screen is all blue, with dark blue thick strip along top and bottom and the Microsoft Windows XP and logo near the center, slightly towards the right side of the screen. It won' proceed from there to the desktop like it should. Assistance much appreciated.
Yes I can, but the same thing happens, it stops and doesn't get to the desktop. I started in Safemode, which is option 1.
Sounds like maybe some of your files may have gotten corrupted.You might have to do a repair with the windows CD.
Low and behold, I just tried that and it worked. It started up, went to the desktop and a few seconds after came up with a message saying: Failed to get proc address for DecodePointer (KERNEL32.dll). Any help with that. Thanks again
Skype doesn't work, the same error I listed above appears. I do have XP Pro SP1 though and I will update to SP2 like I had before I reinstalled XP Pro yesterday.
You can get SP3 from this site at the link below and anything else you may need.Yes that error has something to do with skype. maybe it will go away after you update to SP3 and all the other updates. http://www.softwarepatch.com/windows/windows-xp-service-pack-3.html