People who think KoRn sucks

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Dark_One, May 8, 2003.

  1. Dark_One

    Dark_One Guest

    I read where someone said KoRn had gone pop... This person is a complete idiot. KoRn has not gone gone pop and never will go pop!!! KoRn is one of the best bands out there today and if you disagree your a fuckin' idiot, no ifs, ands, orbits about it .
  2. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I agree with that KoRn sucks part of this post, but don't see it in your comment. I don't think I am an idiot, but KoRn is not one of the best bands out there today. Sure alot of the bands today suck, but thats a sign of my old age. I more into SkinnyPuppy (sadly no longer), Front 242, Frontline Assembly and other godfathers of what kids today think is new and good music. Not to say Korn is not original, But Korn is not origial! Much more talent in Sum41, then Korn and that tells you what I think of KoRn.
  3. Dark_One

    Dark_One Guest

    I don't mean KoRn is THE best but they are the best at the type or music they create with their signature K7 guitars and the K5 bass. There just isn't alot of good bands that can create the music and image they have. I've even read where guitar world magazine hailed them responsible for the new metal era. I listen to alot of old music too, Ozzy, Hendrix, Alice N Chains, and as my opinion I do believe Black Sabbath created metal and Jimi Hendrix is the all time greatest guitar player in the world.
  4. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    I think the problem is that good bands can't create the music (because there good) and don't have the image because they haven't full sold out, or are not contriversal. If some of the good bands (I mean local bands that actually are really good but can't make a break) just did something crazy then maybe they would be big like Korn. Examples include Marylin Manson. Was good, smashed is friend in the head with a mic stand and then started to dress unisexual. These events lead to the loss of his friend from the group that keep them good, but also kept them from being known. Now they suck, but make millions of dollars. I suport the indie groups as some of them are miles above the big guys. Unfortuely you never know what you get with unknown band, alot of them do suck. But paying $12 to get three terible bands and one really good one, I think is better then paying $50 for one band that really sucks, and an opener that is trying to sell out.
  5. Dark_One

    Dark_One Guest

    You have a good point, it would help alot of bands out there today if did something to be noticed. Unfortunatly not alot of bands are willing to take chances or try something new, thats why(sorry to say) most of them will never make it. I listen to new bands also, and I myself am looking to start a band sometime soon, who knows, theres a 90% chance we'll always just be considered a bunch of wannabes, but its the other 10% thats every musicians dream and goal in life along with mine.
  6. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    What instrument do you play?
    I used to play Drums, but not for 10years now (Wow 10 years, time moves fast).
    That's probally why I have always liked heavy, thrasher music. One of the best groups, local to my town had the Drumer as the lead singer. I can't remeber the groups name, but they were amazing. The advantage of the small shows as some do become big. I rember going to free shows with Treble charger, finger 11(rainbow but monkeys, back then) and Trump, before they became big (or bigger). I also remember Bare Naked Ladies playing for free in the streets of Toronto. So it is sometimes good to hit the local shows, so later you can say I rember when...

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