PEPers in the US - what's your approach?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by ohmegav, Oct 15, 2004.

  1. ohmegav

    ohmegav Member

    May 25, 2004
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    I leave in Montréal Canada, where the government said openly that won't stop P2Pers from downloading software, music, etc over the net, nor will they sue P2P software developers (Canada is the place to be!).

    It's been very nice downloading files here in Canada. But I’m about to go back to the US (Washigton DC), and frankly I'm a little concerned about the whole downloading issue over there, with Hollywood and the IRRA suing the sh*t out of everyone.

    My approach to downloading is: as soon as I get the file I move it from the sharing folder onto my second HDD. Files that I want to keep I back them up, what I don’t want I just delete them.

    The types of files that I maily download are music software and independent movies. I'm using emule, and some bittorrent.

    My question is what is: what is your approach to downloading files in the US and what measures do you take in order not to get caught and sued?

    Any light on this issue would be very welcomed. I'll be moving to DC in 3 months.


  2. djcsurf

    djcsurf Guest

    Firstly, your helping yourself already by not sharing, although this defeats the whole objective of P2P.
    Second, get a good IP blocker such as Protowall or Peerguardian and make sure you keep the blocklists up to date.
  3. ohmegav

    ohmegav Member

    May 25, 2004
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    " although this defeats the whole objective of P2P"

    That's true, but I'm just too scared I think.

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