After months of having scores of CRC Errors and the likes, I have now discovered a way to get my Samsung TS H522U to give me flawless burns,the amazing thing is even my PI+PIF Errors have gone from 300 Plus now to below twenty..My PI PIF Graphs almost look flatline...Can this be that my Burner did not like the lower speeds like 2...4 ect and burns better at higher speeds or the max speed(8)on my Disks(Verbs)..This is most astounding, I always thought that you are safer burning at a Lower Speeds,I almost can,t believe the K/Probe Tests.. Opinions Please ????
@dannykiwi Used to be, the maximum speed suggested was 4x burns for most ppl. Back then, for most systems/drives/discs/firmware, that was the best speed to burn at, and get the best quality score. In my system are a couple of 16x burners, and i have 16x media. To do my own test, i burnt at a range of 4x to 16x and then did scans on each, using the same Verbatim 16x media, but varying the burn speeds. To my surprise, both of my drives always gave better quality scores when burnt at 8x. 16x burns were pretty bad quality scores for that test. Burners used: LG-4166B Lite-On SOHW 1633S In short, i would do like you did, and test what you burn. Then go with the speed that gives you best quality, and playback. It probably differs for every system out there. Good media like Tiayo Yuden and Verbatim help with getting high quality scores, and having up2date firmware on your burners is very important too. Firmware for the drive you listed is here: and it looks like US07 is the most current.
I have to agree with Max on this one...the typical solution for people having problems burning is to burn at 4X. This will give you a good burn, but the quality score might not be the is just a safer speed at which less can go wrong during the burn process. I wouldn't put a whole lot of weight on the quality scores, I have some discs that scanned below 50% but look great all the way through to the credits when watching.
I must agree with MaxBurn and LOCOENG, too! I found out the hard way after some members were talking about burning faster, as I always thought that burning at 4x was written in stone! I think it was Catfreak that opened my eyes and showed me that burning at 8x or even at 12x and 16x gave good results with less errors for some media and burners...... sooooooo I started testing out my Taiyo Yuden 8x DVD+Rs and my burner to see what the best burning speeds were for me! These disks, my burner would allow to burn from 4x all the way to 16x, that's how good these Taiyo Yuden disks are! My test showed that the 4x burns and the 12x-16x burn had the most errors and less quality than my 8x burns ...... and LOCOENG already agrees with my chart that a 99.80% qualtiy burn score is pretty darn good!
hi guys the old maxim still holds true the best results are obtained when burning at about (you notice i say about) 1/2 the max rating of the media my 8x burned at 6x and my 16x at 8x are giving me my best on my 1693s yep he is bragging (can't tell if he's gloating behind that tin helmut)
One thing I would like to know is how do you post K/Probe and DVD Info Scans on this Forum ,I was under the impression that you can only post Text?? TX..
You have to upload your screenshot to an image host such as imageshack or photobucket...then once you hit reply the instructions are right there above the message box.
Once you've uploaded your image to a web based host, cut and paste the url to the message box and place between the
OK Here goes Guys, This was a Burn using Shrink and Nero and at 4 Speed(could not get Nero above that in conjunction with Shrink)..
Can you be a bit more specific about posting Pics??? Do you copy the HTML Signs to the blank message space or do it on the Forums Site??(which I cant do) TX..
In the tag that closes the image make sure to add a forwar slash inside the first bracket...notice these are different And all you need is the address as above, no other tags from the image hosting site is required.