I want to edit a dvd for as commands and got commands and so forth and learn to make dummy files too.When i import the Ifo do i import the vob's too at that point...to do everything because i saw no way after that to like drag & drop them or locate them
It depends... Are you creating a new DVD or just modifying a DVD? If you create a new DVD, then there will be an option to import the VOB files. Choose to move them because this is instant as long as they are in the same partition. If you are modifying a DVD (opening an IFO), then you do not need to import the DVDs. PGCEdit works in the dircetory of the DVD Folder. The program usually does not modify a VOB. It only does so when you add new cells or remove cells. As for making Dummy files, the most you can do is make Dummy cells either before or after a PGC. For copy corrupting/protecting a DVD (that is what you are trying to do right??), this will not do anything. After makeing the Dummy cells, you would have to find a way to make them unreadable after burning. I don't know of anyway to accurately burn CRC errors with a DVDRW drive, so the most you can get out of Dummy cells are pack header errors which will not slow down ripping. This is why I suggested the pinhole technique before. I do not know exactly how the ARccOS and RipGuard software add CRC errors. Maybe they can add empty space on a DLT and when a DVD gets pressed, it just presses them with the empty space??? If you try this with a DVDRW drive, you will either get a parsing error, or it will correct itself somehow in the burn process. Perhaps you can do it by getting bad data on your HDD, but I would not risk that because you can maybe kill your HDD like that.