Hi, My burner wont burn DL Verbatims. I just a write error. It will burn cheap Ritek DL's first time, every time. I wanted to get a better quality DL. I've tried updating the firmware from device manager, but it says I have the latest firmware. I've even tried downloading a few firmwares, but they are all older than the firmware that's currently installed. Anyone got any ideas? Cheers
why not try a couple of the older firmwares.. just because it's the latest doesn't always follow it's the best. or how about the rpc1 version? http://club.myce.com/f92/philips-dvd-8631-firmware-update-released-115089/
Thanks for the reply. I dont suppose there's any way to find out what the best FW to burn Verbs is? Or is it worth flashing to BenQ FW? When I try to download from that link you posted, it says I need Winfx runtime. I cant find any active links to download this? I'm unable to open the download manager file to update my FW, as I need that Winfx. Do you have any links for that?
no .. no links from me.. I don't use windoze.. apparently winfx thing is part of the vb3 runtimes garbage.. whatever that does. http://www.longhorncorner.com/UploadFile/cook451/feb2006CTP02252006160633PM/feb2006CTP.aspx totally alien stuff to me.. no idea about firmwares either, though the best supported are usually the community built. It's not a good idea trying to crossflash a drive unless you are very very sure what you are doing. check the rest of the rpc1 forums.. they always have the needed tools or links to them.
Ive checked on those forums, downloaded two different firmwares, and still no joy. Just get a session writing lead in error. I've changed back to my old Ritek DL's, and now I get the same error with those. Yet the drive burns DVD+R's fine.