philips dvdr890 and copy protection - is there a DeCSS hack?

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by kjr001, Dec 29, 2003.

  1. kjr001

    kjr001 Member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    Man am I pissed off! Just bought the philips dvdr890 and discovered that my cable company transmits everything with copy protection! So much for me using the thing to replace my VCR to recored tv progs when I'm out - those bastards at philips keep quiet about this when they advertise the thing. Cable company are just as bad - I'd change to satellite but I'll bet they're the same... Can anyone suggest a solution?
  2. kjr001

    kjr001 Member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    Problem solved! My cable company uses 2 different makes of decoder - mine went on the blink a month ago and was replaced by a different model. The cable guy came and replaced the decoder with the older model and bingo! Recorder works fine, so if anyone else finds themselves unable to record from cable (in the UK, with Telewest), check for decoder incompatibity with the cable folks. Out of interest, the working cable box is a pace model.
    Happy New Year

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