Philips DVP642 Clarification

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by codyman, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. codyman

    codyman Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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    I've been looking for an inexpensive DVD Player that still packs a punch. The DVP642 seems to do just that after reading reviews. However, all this DVD-R/W stuff worries me. I am an avid dvd-r user who only uses dvd-r. The thought that I can't play back these dvd-r's worries me and makes me not want to get this player. CompUSA says it plays DVD-R's, but Phililps says it doesn't. I've heard around that a certain firmware works, and another doesn't. What is the true deal with DVD-R on this player? Is there a firmware update to fix it? Is there a hack? etc. etc. I hope this post can clear things up for not only me but others.
  2. nuklehead

    nuklehead Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    I too am a user who only burns -R discs, and this player played them fine for me.
    Until 4 nights ago. Then it just decided to stop playing DVD's all together. But I seem to have an isolated problem. I recomend the player, if I cant fix mine I will be buying another one.
  3. codyman

    codyman Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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    Sorry to here about your player.... is it still under warranty? Anyways Amazon has a deal where the player is like 66 bucks + free shipping + no tax I think. I think I'm going to try it because I already have a $50 dollar gift certificate for amazon anyways so for $16 bucks I might as well try it. If it doesn't work with my DVD-R's I'll ship it back saying it doesn't work as advertise because right on Amazon's site it says, and I quote:
    Product Description
    Philips DVD Player, 3.2 Progressive Scan, Plays DVD, ------>DVD-R<------, DVD+RW, Mpeg4, DIVX4

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