I'm aware that this has been posted a lot, but I just was hoping to reiterate... First of all - I know several people have said that most modern DVD players will play a slideshow of JPGs, but is there any way to set the timing for how long it holds each JPG? Or, to loop it? I'm supposed to be burning a DVD to play in the background during a trade show, and my deadline just got bumped up so I have a fire lit under my ass. I about freaked when I saw my Premiere doesn't seem to have a loop option. Any recommendations for software that lets you do random transition effects, control the time for each frame, and eternally loop the slideshow? Better yet, any freeware available? Was going to try Slideshow Player, since it's the only one with a loop option advertised, but...?
PhotoDVD by VSO! it will loop, transition, and you can set the time for the transition, too. http://www.vso-software.fr/products/photodvd/photodvd.php but it costs! sorry! small price to pay for a great program!
I've tried like 6 different trial version programs now, and I'll agree - VSO is the only one that ran pretty smoothly on my DVD player, and it makes a fine looking slide show... Maybe I'll try to expense report it, haha... it looks like it's under $30 though, so that isn't too shabby...