The only way I know how to do this is to convert the pic's into vcd mpg's, burn them all with nero and change their delays to infinite, that would require you to use the remote control to switch between pics!
You can use almost any video editing software, I use MGI video wave. You can create color panels, add soundtracks, change slide duration, etc. This can save as an MPEG-2 and you can then use NERO to burn as VCD or SVCD. Best regards
that also depends on your standalone DVD player.. my friend has an APEX which allows him to put jpeg images into folders and watch them in a slide show on his TV, and without having to encode MPEG's.. Anyhow, what kind of DVD player do you have? and does it support picture cd's ??
Picture cds would be an idea but for total compatibility, you'd be best with mpeg encoded jpegs (set on infinite display!) so you could use the remote to go forward and back, you could also do a couple of vcd menus out with thumbnails of the pics using nero! Then again, some Picture cds will allow streaming audio whereas each pic would be a different movie on a vcd in a dvd player so you couldn't keep the audio streaming! Its a close call really and I've never tried to create a slideshow so I'll see for myself if I ever need to cross that bridge!
Ulead DVD Picture Show does everything you want. It allows you to add music, set the time delay etc. It also burns the vcd for you so you don't need to go through nero etc.
Will Ulead Picture Show make a vcd that you can change between pictures with your remote control, or just set a delay??
Burning your holiday pictures to CD using Instant CD/DVD is quite easy. Just drop your pictures into an existing Picture CD project. There you can adjust every image e.g. the orientation and overlay-text. You can also tell Instant CD/DVD to place the original pictures onto the cd in addition to the generated Stream. It is also possible to skip pictures while viewing them on your TV.