Pink Panther problems

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by blondie4, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. blondie4

    blondie4 Member

    Jun 12, 2006
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    Ok I got some programs thanks to all you great people but yet still having some problems. I got the movie it starts out great then it says something about a read error. Then says to retry it. So I do then it pops up again. So what should I do? I am using dvd decryptor and dvd shrink. Burning with it too. I also have nero and dvd43 but I always close it out first. Plus I got on bbmayo site and read on it to figure out a way but still no use.Is anyone out there having the same problem or am I just doing something wrong? Thanks to all of you who helped me out on my last thread.
  2. blondie4

    blondie4 Member

    Jun 12, 2006
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    Ok I got the free anydvd and it did the trick.You guys were right it did work wonders and simple to use. I was trying to make things even harder than they needed to be. Thanks again.

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