Discussion in 'Other video questions' started by bams2, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. bams2

    bams2 Member

    Jan 17, 2006
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    hi, i'm new to Pinnacle studio 9,

    is it possible to scrub/preview video FROM the timeline TO a TV monitor WITHOUT having to render each and every time?

  2. rp_024

    rp_024 Guest

    Not possible. Without render, your movie wouldn't be able to compile. Therefore you'd never get a finished product.
  3. Locry

    Locry Guest

    ok thanks, that's what i feared...

    i was trying to figure out what file compression studio 9 uses so i could just render avi's from AfterEffects with the same compression thinking that when i imported that avi into studio 9 i wouldn't have to render. :)

    at least that's how it is with my DV500...

    I guess my boss purchased the wrong setup huh? :(
  4. rp_024

    rp_024 Guest

    All depends on the dpi the avi's were rendered at. They most likely won't match up with a DV stream. DVD however is all based on whether or not the DVD is a dub. If it is, you could try matching the DPI. You might get an error message stating they were rendered @ different dpi and won't match quality but will still compile.

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