i just bought i pioneer 111d dvd burner and when i backup my movies with img burn or nero it will only copy around 4.0 - 4.4 speed with tdk 16 x speed blanks
i dont think its recommended to burn at 4x gwen; i use 16x sony dvd's and burn at 8x or 12x sometimes and i still get a 97 to 98 percent quality disc. @thevz try using better quality media and see if your drives are in dma mode! and also check to see if you have 80 pin ide wires thats the only way you will have ultra dma mode 4 or 5, and if you have two burners make sure you have them in master slave config not cable select i have the same burner i burn a dvd in 7-10 mins start to stop! let me know
@Rob1026, If you read as many Nero history log files as I do then you will see that most DO recommend burning at 4X, it reduces errors. If you wish to be technical then it IS recommended to burn at half disc speed. @thevz TDK are not top quality discs, so therefore burning at a slower speed is adviseable.
I would not recomment using TDK as I tested media with ahead NEROCDSPEED TDK fail so bad. I think your burner is working fine jst change your media will do the job. I would recommend SONY blank. I tried alot and test on many different DVD player and all very good no skip , no freez just beautiful play from beginning til end like original media. try it and you be smile
yeah i think its in DMA mode when in device manager it says Device type auto detect transfer mode DMA if avalible currant transfer mode Multi - word DMA mode 2 i have the 80 pin ide cables i think and what are the best blanks to use because i was using purple dye g05 ritek blank and i can not get them anymore so i used the ritek g05 printables and all i got was succesful burns but not able to play them in any dvd player ecept for the computer
and the buffer for the burner is jumpping all over the place will when i had my old 106d in it wold stay around 98 %
You could always post a Nero log file of your last burn so someone can take a look, it's located here Nero 6 history log location: Program Files>Ahead>Nero>NeroHistory.txt Nero 7 history log location: Program Files>Nero>Nero 7>Core>NeroHistory.tx
You have SEVERAL log files here. I will read the first 1 only. Edit out your serial number Nero API version: and These latest versions of Nero are full of bugs, I recommend you uninstall, run this clean tool http://ww2.nero.com/nero7/enu/Nero7_CleanTool.html and then install a more stable version from here http://www.filehippo.com/download_nero_7_premium/?845 Slow your burn to 4X
yeah am now using the copy of nero u suggested to use and i chaned my dvd media to taiyo yuden and i still have problems not being able to burn over 4 x speed