i have a pionerr dvr 104 and i cant burn dvds it reads fine and burns mp3s fine but cant burn dvds i have fujifilm dvd+r disc and i tryed just about every singal burning program out there still nothin plz need help had pc for 1 year now and not able to burn dvds sony vaio desktop pcv-rs220
There is a easy solution to your problem Pioneer A104 only supports - media.I use to have the same drive and believe me you will not burn anything with + media on this drive.I use to use the grey & white datawrite 2 speed - media with this drive as it seems to like them.Try and stay clear of 4 speed as it is not over keen on them and as it only writes at 2 speed it will save you a bit as well. John179
No problem just make sure there minus discs and 2 speed datawrite are the best for your drive. Promise you will not have another problem John179