my drive does not recognize some blank dvds (bulkPaq etc) on the other hand it works with others. When i insert blank dvd it spinns it for about 30 sec or so and then nothing happens... i dont think its the software (im using prassi primo dvd + nero) and the drive is installed properly. May b its the region? Does any1 have any solutions?
maybe u could tell us what model pioineer it is? and from your title i guess we talking bout re-writable discs? if so my pioneer 106 didnt recognise a ritek dvd-rw disc in nero 6 but record now max did, dont use nero record now amx beats it hands down...i didnt believe it at first but now i cant believe i used nero in the first place
Its dvr103... so you think it might b a software problem? Som1 told me they are just not comapatable but i dont think he knows much... Record now max? Is it a freeware? i think i heard of it_X_X_X_X_X_[small][/small]
Well i think u can get the 30 day trial off this site, i borrowed it from a friend, but as for the drive i know pretty much nothing about that drive, but i do know theres a firmware update for it, maybe you should check that out.