I was kinda pissed off when I opened the box to find the OEM version DVR-106D in a DVR-A06U Retail box. I called Pioneer and they say it's normal because there is no drive labelled DVR-A06U. I didn't quite believe her, but accepted the answer. I know it's the same drive but why the hell call it DVR-A06U when you don't even have the label ....geeezzz Anyways hope this prepares people for the surprise!
Its the same exact drive! 106 is OEM as you stated and A06 is what they call the 106 when you buy it in a retail package. 103 is the A03 104 is the A04 105 is the A05
I know it's the same exact drive. My point is to tell people not to expect a STICKER label on the drive that reads DVR-A06U when you buy the retail box.
Okay my friend just bought one in Canada and it does have a DVR-A06U sticker on the drive. So I guess the point here is don't worry, it's the same drive and it's normal to sometimes get the 106D or the A06U sticker on the drive when you buy the Retail Box. *sigh*
There is no if's, but's, what's etc..... Pioneer DVR106 is EXACTLY the same as the Pioneer DVRA06. One has a box and DVD's etc, the other does not.
HELLO! did you actually read my post before? For god sakes it is the SAME drive !!! Everybody knows that now no need to say it! I'm talking about the ***Sticker*** on the drive. You know the white paper label on the drive! ....geeeezzz My point ...no let me say it again "MY POINT" is that it is sometimes labeled 106D and sometimes labeled A06U and to tell people not to worry!!! YES I heard you it's the SAME drive. And to me it's still odd that Pioneer would do that! ...to me it's stupid it's like buying a DVD movie labeled Spiderman and on the disc it's labeled ManSpider, even though it's the same movie. YES I know it's the SAME Drive!
lol - chill man, dont be getting so hyper about it. I just scanned the post quickly, it was late. Chris