I have a DVR-K15 drive in my Laptop and some time ago on whent i playback any CD or DVD the sound and the video running slowly for a lettler short period of time and more ni the sonud. I thing that the mechanical drvie in good and the problem is by the software... Somebody have the same or sililar problem that can help me ?
Well laptop dvd drives aren't great in the way of reliablilty - they are rather flimsy etc etc This is the latest firmware for your drive: http://www.st-trade.co.jp/support/download/Farm/DVRK15/DVRK15_FW111EUJ2.EXE Try updating that and i dont think it would be a software thing...cos the program you play it with (what do you play it with by the way) shouldnt be faulty. But nevertheless you could try unistalling and reinstalling the software you have...but before you update your firmware - that is the logical way to do it cos if your software is conflicting with drive in some way unistalling software then flashing drive and then reinstalling seems logically the way to go.
Thank, I'll try to install the latest firmware of the drive. However, I was read about that and the problem was or is with any update that I made in my machine, I donĀ“t know which update but I'll continue the research.
Ah ok so could be conflicting software to do with your drive and whatever else - try updating any software that you have and can update. And a firmware update might just do the trick.. Keep me updating.