I bought the pioneer 107d in april and have burned about 100 discs fine at both 8x and 4x I use the latest firmware 1.16 as i switched my pc on tonight and i went to burn a dvd using nero 6 (which i used for all my other burns) i went through the usual process and it came up waiting for the drive to become ready then it came up drive is not initializing perhaps due to a defective disc. i have tried about 10 disks in the drive. media i am using is ritek g04 printables 4x i also tried a dvd in it to rip it using dvd decrypter and it is also not reading media either. when i put a disk in there are a few noises i have not heard before but the green light goes on when i close the drawer and flashes as usual then goes off. any help would be great i am thinking it might be a fault in the drive
Have you tried disconnecting the drive then reinstalling it ? I have the same Burner. I Hope mine wont crap out in 3 Months.