Attempting to back up Pirates of the caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and I am using the most current versions of AnyDVD and CloneDVD2 from Slysoft. I get this information from AnyDVD: Summary for drive E: (AnyDVD TSSTCORP DVD-ROM TS-H352C DE02 Drive (Hardware) Region: 1 Media is a Data DVD. Booktype: dvd-rom (version 1), Layers: 2 (opposite) Size of first Layer: 2054576 sectors (4012 MBytes) Total size: 4096043 sectors (8000 MBytes) Video DVD (or CD) label: PIRATES_OF_THE_ Media is CSS protected! Video Standard: NTSC Media is locked to region(s): 1! RCE protection not found. Found & removed wrong DVD structure! Found & removed Macrovision RipGuard protection! Found & removed error zones between files! Found & removed invalid program from program chain! Autorun not found on Video DVD. Found & removed 2 bad sector protections! Emulating RPC-2 drive with region 1! And this informatin from CloneDVD2 18:19:48 Processing Started 18:19:48 found and corrected IFO format errors: 18:19:48 Truncated invalid Title Unit Entries 18:19:48 Successfully removed layer break 18:19:48 Target Size sufficient, transcoder disabled When CloneDVD2 starts writing to disk, I get the following error message: Writing to Video Media was not successful: source data too large This writer is not capable of writing the source data as requested To write these DVD files, please use the "copy DVD titles" or "Clone DVD Option from the start screen Please note, I Always use the clone DVD option and backup the entire disk. Perhaps this is a copy protection Clone and AnyDVD can not circumvent. Notice the "target size sufficient, transcoder disabled message?" CloneDVD is being fooled into thinking the size is one thing when it is another.
Hey diverj I used to back this one up - same method of AnyDVD and CloneDVD. Here's a beta version you may want to give a go - one of the fixes is for a TSST drive: 2007 01 20 - New: Added support for new versions of the SONY Arccos protection (e.g., "Monster House" and "RV", Germany) to the option to remove "Protection based on unreadable Sectors" - New: Added workaround for some drives (e.g. TSSTCORP DVD-ROM SH-D162C) where disc insertion was not always correctly detected by AnyDVD and decryption would not work. - Fix: Removing Sony Arccos at the end of a title did sometimes caused a "Navigation Pack error" or could cause the title to disappear completely in elby CloneDVD. - Fix: Bug introduced in, disc recognition did not work correctly - Fix: Bug introduced in, driver could switch into safe mode without reason - Some minor fixes and improvements
I will give it a go. Do not see why if an earlier version will (or should work), later versions "build" upon each other, not take away functionality.
I downloaded the ANYDVD beta and installed it. Went to CloneDVD2 and that program still says the compression is 100% meaning there is enough room for the recordable to hold the original when we know this is not the case. Still being foiled by some copy protection. for the record, I have never had any problems with my Tsst burner before.
You would think - that's how it usually goes This later beta version ( does mention a fix for some drives so my only guess is a bug was introduced for some drives in one of the versions. edit to add: Missed your last post - try the burner instead and see if it gives you the same problem.
I backed up this title with AnyDVD ver and DVD Shrink ver 3.2 Complete disc including all features at 60.4% compression. Plays fine as well. Oh, used DVD Decrypter to burn.
whats up driverj, i had a similar problem with the latest ver of clone(i doubt its related to ANY-DVD)i just bought and backed up SAW 3, clone gave me a structure/mastering error. i think there's a bug in the latest ver, because i backed it up fine using ANY-DVD and 1-CLICK. i reported it 2 clone and i suggest you do the same.the error came in VOB 3 for what it's worth. if anyone else has the same prob feel free to PM me, and i'll send them to elby for you. weird...cause i never had a single problem with CLONE before.