Pixelation Problem

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by rohczw, May 23, 2006.

  1. rohczw

    rohczw Guest

    A friend just gave me a DIVX encoded video and it pixelizes every 5 min. Is there anyway around that? What if I converted it to a video TS file. Would the pixelization stay?

    Help Please...............
  2. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    do you know what media he used, what encoder he used and the burn speed?
  3. rohczw

    rohczw Guest

    I have the file not a DVDR. Everytime that the camera moves it blurs out or pixels out. It looks like a bad digital cable feed. I was looking to either reconvert it to .avi or a video TS, but I really don't want the damage on the feed. Any ideas???
  4. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    if the file is already like this then the encoding is only going to be a sgood as the original.Granted you maybe able to clean it up with say premier, but it might be better to get another version of the file with out the pixelation

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