i am experiencing some pixelization on burned dvds mainly on dark scenes. My setup includes DVD xcopy and a toshiba burner and i burn on Verbatim discs. does anyone know a solution or have any suggestions? thanks so much
try burning at 4x or half the rated speed of the disk..... I don't know if DVDXCopy has this option for burn speeds. I think that program burns at Max.
why don't you get AnyDVd and CloneDVD2..... now there's a combo! and you can try it for free for 21days!!! If you buy them then you get free updates for life! It's a real crowd pleaser here! www.slysoft.com
Does Clonedvd2 have free updates for life too? I think its free updates for one year. Can anyone shed some light on this.
here is some light............ i been using the same license since clondvd and anydvd first came out, clonedvd Version 2004 03 18 second release for public consumption anydvd, 2003 07 03 - First public release
when you buy a license key for any product from slysoft (for AnyDVD or CloneDVD2): When you purchase one of our products you will receive the following: A registration key that prevents the trial version from expiring after 21 days. Technical support for one year Free lifetime updates so yes to lifetime updates for AnyDVD AND CloneDVD2!
Excellent! Free updates for life! Or until ............ Termination. The license to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT ends at the 31st of December, 2050. By then I'll just buy it again.
For now you can rip with xcopy then go to C:\Documents and Settings\(your user name)\Local Settings\Temp and change the xcopy folder name before exiting xcopy. Then you can use any burning program to burn at what ever speed. But I still agree with Ihoe because you will have better luck with newer dvd encription.