Anyone know of anywhere that I can buy a new X-Box with the stuff I want on it? Mine's being a bitch, and I don't know what to do. Note that I would like to fix mine, but I don't know how. That's the problem.
seems like your DVD drive is dead if dusting it doesnt work try to find a cheap XBOX dvd drive on ebay or shell out a little bit more than $220 for a modded xbox wich in some cases you'll need to install everything again from the bios to the currect dashboards but like I said in some cases
stop bothering everyone,no one wants to give you a free xbox you idiot,go get a job and shut up,shits cheap
Don't tempt him, Ghost, please restrain yourself from being a pervert on my threads. And if you want my X-Box, I'll see you in hell.
lol! i no ive been on the forums today and the ammound of his threads asking for their xboxs is untrue!!!!!!!!! well for a pre-modded xbox...firstly which county do u live in?
chill out guys. its not that big of a deal. anyone who can help him just pm him so there isnt all this trash going around the forums
alright then,well i could use a new video card,and maybe some extra cash,so anyoen that has cash they dont need,ill pay the shippin g to get it to me,and some hot asian girls would rule too,send those too
yo get a job (besides the corner, which pays alot for all the homosexual u be with) hey watch out for the fag disaes
i got a job kid,thats why i got BOUGHT two modded xbox's and im not forced to beg peopel for there old shit can some one ban this guy shit
i'm sorry no don't ban me your the richest man out there i don't have nothin but a crappy pc and a crappy n64
shut up ghost ffs! u dont need a PC to mod an xbox so dont mention PC's as this is an XBOX MODDING forum, and the N64 was a groundbreaking console! so if u BOUGHT two pre-modded xboxs b4, go and buy another one! or buy a normal xbox and do it yourself!! grrr