Hello, I have a Dell XPS 430 which currently runs on two RAID hard drives, both being 320GB. I am planning on buying two 1TB drives to replace them with, but what I was wondering is, how do I transfer all my data/programs/games etc from the original hard drives to the new ones? I have no idea how to start and I briefly googled and found nothing :/ All suggestions are appreciated
use this link to download the software that has to be installed to alllow you to clone the 350gig drives onto the 1tb drives. http://support.wdc.com/product/downloaddetail.asp?swid=119&wdc_lang=en
Thank you So this program will help me to clone both of the 320GB hard drives onto the two 1TB hard drives, so that when I start up my computer it will be exactly the same, except that it will have more HDD capacity?
yes as i do that all the time when having to reload customers' computers in that i'll use 1 of my spare drives to load windows on, copy their info onto my drive then clone mine onto theirs & take my drive out of the computer.
Alright then And so what happens when I have to install the new HDD's, like, when creating the new RAID 0, won't it just re-format the hard drives?
once you clone the old drives onto the big drives, you take the old drives out of the computer & your raid 0 is still there but now in the big drives.
Alright, but the current RAID 0 is 590GB, so how will it accommodate for the extra 1.5TB without re-creating the RAID 0? :s (Sorry I have so many questions, I really am new to all this)
when i clone a small drive to a big drive, the big drive gets all used plus having all the stuff off the small drive. if you have 300 gigs used out of 350 gigs then 300 gigs will be used on the big drive with the rest of the drive still empty to take more info.
Ok yes, but won't the original RAID 0 need to be deleted as it is a RAID 0 of 590GB of total available hard drive space, and then won't I need to make a new RAID 0 of 2TB? :s