Hi, I checked other posts but it seems like everyone is having the opposite problem I am.....so here it goes! I can burn DVD's and watch them on my Windows Xp machine and any stand alone DVD player....but the machine that I burned them one will not read them......just says no disk....I have been using the same media for 2 years now "Verbatim" and also "TDK" and I have not had a problem until I loaded Vista on the machine. It works fine on XP Operating System but not on the Vista OS(and yes it is legal). I have tried the DVD Decrypt....DVD Shrink...Menu Shrink...and Nero burn instructions on other portions of the site and it works, just not on Vista...and It still works fine on XP. I am using Vista...Pioneer DVR107D burner... It wouldn't be so bad but it also does not read data dvd's that I burned. But will on XP. I also checked DMA for the burner and it is on. I noticed a couple other people having this problem but no answers were forthcoming. I really need this to work considering I am trying to backup all my animation files and My comp will not read the data disk even.(and yes I do have a external backup drive for safety purposes but it still means that I can't give the DVD disks to the customer...they have vista! And I don't need to look like a fool when they try to open them and they don't work) ARGHHHH! Thanks in advance for any help! (p.s.)And if there is a previous post about this subject...Sorry I couldn't find it exactly as it is happening to me!(so in other words...links are appreciated! Thanks Again...
Have you tried those DVD's on another Vista machine? And this may sound like a dumb question, but have you rebooted your Vista machine since you burned the DVD's on it?
I have not tried it on any other Vista Machine...and yes I did reboot after burning...I can go back even after multiple reboots and still have the same issue. I will try to find someone with Vista and ask them to try it. (other than my customer of course!) But that still doesn't help me bring a data disk that I burned back into my system...And it all started when I installed Vista. Before that everything worked fine, I could burn, read back in, and read on my xBox360, PS3, and stand alone DVD player...Weird!