I've recently converted a TV-episode-avi to a standard VCD, as I did hundreds of time before. I used virtualdubMod, headAC3e and TMPGEnc and had no problems in the past... But this time after the conversion, the VCD picture suddenly from time to time looks like this: Not all of the time, across the whole episode I found such bad picture changes that makes the vcd-file almost unviewable. The funny thing is: the source avi-file isn't that blurry at all.... So what did I possibly do wrong??
Try installing the latest version of FFDSHOW, then encode the video in TMPGENC using the directshow filters.
Do I need to enable the FFDshow filters in TMPGEnc in some way or are they already there after installation? And what funtions do I have to enable in FFDshow itself..? Maybe there is a guide for this somewhere around here and I'm just too blind to find it ... ??
Right, first things first, is your directshow filters set to top priority in TMPGENC? Which version of tmpgenc are you using? If 2.5, you can set decoder priority in the environmental tab which is contained within the main settings.
It's TMPGEnc 2.5 (2.524.63.181 *gg*) I've set up the directshow filter priority above all others (2) and converted a small piece of the file to see if it does work... well, it doesn't... After that I've read somewhere in this forum that the recent versions of FFDShow don't work with TMPGEnc anymore... Seems the file can be viewed fine with the FFDShow filters enabled, but converting is much more difficult, if not impossible...
I've had problems similar to this with certain XVID encodes before, usually resolved by updating codec software. I've included an image of my plugin settings to help you, other than this there is not much i can think of at the moment...
Thank you so much... it has finally worked after I updated both DiVX and XViD codecs... After that I had suddenly an "BFrame Decoder Lag" error-message after loading the file in VDubMod, but the converting progress was successful!!