Playbock problems - part of movie

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by PalauB, Jul 22, 2004.

  1. PalauB

    PalauB Guest

    Well, I have been at this for several months now, and to date have had few problems. Using DVD Shrink & DVD Decoder to rip and back up my family's movies. Lately, I have had great sucess, but the first weekend, several months ago, I backed up animated films and only just discovered that the first several chapters play back fine, but the middle of the movie has skipping/video issues. Can anyone poijt out likely culprits? Will taking the time to let verification run help me discover this earlier or is this an encoding issue?

    On what I believe to be a completely unrelated note, I use PowerDVD to playpack movies on my computer. Today it began "skipping" It only sems to play in still picture mode - picture, skip a few seconds, picture, etc. witrh no sound. Have downloaded lastest patch, uninstalled and reinstalled and can't seem to correct it. Suggestions?

    Thanks for your help, and for all the great info here.

  2. PalauB

    PalauB Guest

    One other note on the above - WinDVD plays the same movie back just fine.

    I also have DVD Idle on my system, but have tried it with that porgram disabled and renabled, no luck.
  3. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Most playback issues are usually caused by cheap-poor quality blank media. Switching to a known good quality grade A media usually corrects the problem. Cheap media will also cause what looks like a good burn at first playback to later (maybe a month later)not play properly.
    What brand media are you using?

  4. PalauB

    PalauB Guest

    Thanks Jerry. I was using Ritek Media, used some info here on the board to verify it was genuine. Still using the same spindle, but no problems that I have found since

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