playing cd's in the car

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by valanne, Mar 3, 2008.

  1. valanne

    valanne Guest

    I tried to reply to a "dead" thread, so sorry that this might not really be "new." I burn cd's through ITunes. When I burn them on my laptop at home (ThinkPad Z61) they won't play in my car (2005)Grand Am, but if I burn them at the office (Dell w/pentium 4) they work fine. It's the same CD, the same version of ITunes, and all the settings are the same. Any suggestions?

    Thanks, signed, Tired of duplicates!
  2. corn

    corn Guest

    Have you tried a firmware update for your laptop? Can you get anything to play burned via your laptop, because maybe its just the laptop. Also, try burning the CD's using WMP or, Nero.
  3. valanne

    valanne Guest

    thanks. I can get everything on from the laptop to play everywhere in the house, and SOMETIMES in the car. SOmeone suggested that some of the cd's aren'd "closing." But ITunes doesn't have an option for that that I can find. Maybe ITunes is just not the best deal.

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