I have some movies on my PC that I recently burned to DVD-RW discs to not give myself extra space on my PC HD but/ well thats the only reason. Now, I dont want to have to go buy a DVD player that reads RW discs because my Xbox already does that but when I play movies sometimes the movie will stop and freeze. When I restart the box and try and play the movie it says something about cache..Im sure yall know what it says I just cant remember at work now. But it will keep Cacheing and not really moving so Ill quit. Now if I have to clear out Cache, how do I do that? I have a Softmodded Box, stock HD and used the AID 3.0. I have recently downloaded the AID 3.03 or whatever the latest is but havent installed and have installed the TC3H after 06/06/06 XBMC release. I burn the movies as Data discs Any help would be greatly appreciated
to clear the cache just ftp/or use the file explorer if u have unleashx and go to E/cache and delete everything in there....