I copied a movie onto dvd it plays fine in a standalone player but wont play corectly in my ps2 ant suggestions
I have an older PS2 that's can be a bit picky on media. Even quality media (Taiyo Yuden) booktyped it doesn't like - even though it will play on every other player. Now if I burn it a 4x I have a greater chance of playback on the ps2 - 8x or higher is hit ot miss. So 1st what media are you using? Try Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim or made in Japan Maxell. For instore Taiyo's look for made in Japan Fuji or Sony - they usually id as being made by Taiyo. Next reducing the burn speed to 4x. Check and make sure your drives firmware is up to date too. Best to keep that up to date to help the drive w/ read/write strategies on media.
i am using TDK dvd - r i also updates the firmware it works fine in the standalone player if i reduce the speed you think it will work or should i just go out and buy the dvd;s you know the best place to buy the good ones
Reduce the burn speed to try and get them to play on the ps2. Then dump I would dump the TDK's and switch to the quality stuff - Verb or Taiyo Yuden. If you're in the US - I buy genuine Taiyo's from http://supermediastore.com They also can have good deals on Verb's too. Otherwise check out the media forum here at aD for the weekly instore specials (Best Buy, Staples, etc.) on Verb, Fuji or Sony (again US).
maximus25: What's the brand name and model# of your dvd-rw drive? ps2s are act very weird when backup discs are slapped in them.I've seen them: Not like certain formats.I'll agree with the dash if your burner doesn't support booktyping. Not like certain MID coded media.Example: Verbatim +4x MCC-002 played ok in one of my relatives player,but the nearly exact verbatim +4x Ricohjpn-r01 would not. Not like any backups off of certain burners,while no trouble playing backups from a different burner. Very screwy when it comes to playing dvd backups.