Playing video files

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by arredja, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. arredja

    arredja Guest

    I was wondering if there were any programs that could play incomplete video files. i mean files that have holes in them like u would download from torrent sites.
  2. Mr_Del

    Mr_Del Regular member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    MPG files Maybe. AVI no. AVI needs the whole file to work. MPG can play if incomplete in media player or other players.

  3. deadbeat9

    deadbeat9 Guest

    theres a little program called avipreview or sumin (related to klite)
    it lets u preview movies even from bittorent
  4. deadbeat9

    deadbeat9 Guest

    shareaza also lets you preview files from bittorent
  5. RagePro

    RagePro Guest

    I heard shareaza is not a good program u should get limewire
  6. deadbeat9

    deadbeat9 Guest

    y lime wire wuts so good about that
  7. RagePro

    RagePro Guest

    umm sharezas interface is good but sloww
  8. RagePro

    RagePro Guest

    and i also hread theres a hidden ad ware

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