Hello, i oviously dont know if this is possible so i was hoping someone in here owuld know. If a file is posted in sections (ie: 1 gb broken down into 10 100meg sections) in rar format in a way in which you try to unrar the first file it will allow the file to be opened until all files are downloaded, is there something out there that will allow the already downloaded files to be opened, without referencing the other parts? I probably wrote it in a confusing manner but hopefully smoone knows what i'm talking about, Thank You
You mean you want to unzip one of the files and play the video in that part? Don't think it can be done.
you need to use winrar. than all you have to is right click on the rar file/extract files/on the next box go to the section that say miscelaneus/check the block that says "keep broken files", during the unpacking a warning box will pop up, just press cancel. This will leave an incomplete but playable AVI. Now you can play the section you just unrar with any AVI video player.