I ripped a few vob files (that are meant to be one) from my dvd to watch with srt, but the subtitles are obviously not in sync because the media player (nero showtime) can only play one file at a time. So I was just wondering, is there any media player that can play multiple files as if they were one. This way, I dont have to take the long journey of joining and converting them.
What program did you use for the rip? Do you have the entire DVD structure or just some VOB files ripped?
I didn't use a program, I just clicked and drag the VOB files out onto my desktop from the DVD. Are you thinking I used DVDShrink, where it splits it into 1GB chunks?
Yes, that's what I was thinking, or DVD Decrypter. Can you lod all VOBs in WMP and play them,like a playlist, one trak after another?
But I want to play them with subtitles. Because all the files add up to one video, and you can only play one file with subtitles at a time. And plus, in order to play srt files, the video file and srt have to have the same name; having multiple video files with the same name is impossible at one location, so it wouldn't work.
I know exactly what your talking about and I have found a very easy solution over the years. 1. Open command prompt. You can do this by going to "run" and typing 'cmd' 2. Type 'copy /b' and start draging your files into command prompt. This is how you should do it: Code: copy /b C:\Video1.VOB + C:\Video2.VOB + C:\Video3.VOB C:\Combined.VOB You have to add a "+" after every file location. Once you have added all the files, press the space bar and type what you what the combined VOBS to be called and located. For example, "C:\Combined.VOB" will create a new VOB file located on your C:\ Drive named Combined. And there you have it, you just combined multiple VOB files using some old school cmd commands!
Nice trick! If you want to merge multiple VOBs in one, you can also use DVD Shrink or Nero Recode with no problem. I am not sure that this is what he was after...
Thanks guys, I'll give the command prompt thing a go. Sorry for the late reply and thank you again for replying.
You can also try avidemux to append the VOB files. I tried the command line with 2 avi segments. Even though the resulting file size was file1+file2 size, when I tried to play it was only the first file...Maybe works better with VOBs. Avidemux is a very good tool.