Playing Xiso images on my Xbox360

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by morphster, May 30, 2008.

  1. morphster

    morphster Member

    May 30, 2008
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    First and foremost please accept my apologies in advance but consoles am I totally igoronant to. I can find my way around a pc no problem.

    I bought an Xbox 360 a few weeks ago and been downloading torrents from the net for my 360 little did I know is that i dont believe I can play these without flashing my xbox which I didnt really want to do. I dont want to wreck it before Ive finished paying for it. With this in mind would it be possible to:

    1) Unrar the files to create an ISO image. Then using craxtion4 to create an Xiso image once i've done this I would ideally like to transfer the xiso image to my 300GB FAT32 External HD and run the game from that. Only snag I can think of is that when I plug my external hd in I can only appear to access it through media center. If I clicked the xiso image would the xbox realise its a game image and play??

    2) I know this ones a long shot but can I create an xISO image and burn to a dvd and then throw it in my xbox drive???

    If the above two are no go's then anyone have any other ideas other than to flash or open the console to mod it???? Thanks guys and apologies if I seem igronant.
  2. brandonba

    brandonba Regular member

    Jul 12, 2003
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    nope you cant run of hard drive has to be burned to a dvd+r dl and the 360 flashed

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