Hi, I truly hope one of you could try assisting me with the following: I am looking for a machine with the following capabilities and characteristics: I) Copying of video cassettes of ALL formats to DVD's Hard-Drive, as to enable perfect, extremely high quality editing of material with the computer prior its burning. II) At least 160 GB HD. III) Burning to DVD RAM, as well as to DVD+/-R and DVD+/-RW. IV) Direct copying from TV/SATELITE/CABLE-TV to DVD's Hard-Drive, as well as direct burning to DVD from TV ("live", without prior copying to HD). V) Price range: $300 - $400. Please advise which machine would answer BEST all these parameters. Hoping to hear from you soon. Yuval.
I'm nt sure what you mean by "all formats' of tape, since the various formats have different physical parameters and no deck supports more than a couple of them. However, if you are referring to a firewire input, then the Panasonic DMR-95HS fits all of your other requirements, except it only writes to -R and -Ram. bob